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You have sacrificed your youth, precious time, and the warmth of family to keep not only
Americans, but at times citizens from across the world safe. You deserve more than admiration
and gratitude. It’s that time of the year when we honor our veterans. Since its almost Veteran’s
Day, so let’s discuss some of the tax benefits for the U.S. military forces. Some types of pay are
not taxable. And special rules may apply to some tax deductions, credits and deadlines.

These rules apply to all branches of U.S. Armed Forces, whether they are National Guard,
Reserves, or Active Duty:

  • Filing tax returns late
    Service members have up to the later of 180 days after returning from a combat zone
    deployment, or combat related hospital stay, to file tax returns without late penalties or
    interest. Military members have until June 15th to file returns if they are overseas and not in
    a combat zone.
  • Combat Pay Exclusion
    If you serve in a combat zone, certain combat pay is not taxable. You won’t need to show
    the pay on your tax return because combat pay isn’t included in the wages reported on your
    Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. Service in support of a combat zone may qualify for
    this exclusion.
  • Qualified Reservist Distributions and Repayments
    Reservists who are called into active service, may be able to take distributions from
    retirement accounts (IRA, 401K, TSP, etc.) without penalty and may also repay any
    distributions taken, even if the repayment exceeds the annual IRA contribution limit. This is
    like borrowing from a 401K and paying it back. Certain conditions apply, ask Azmoneyguy
    or your tax professional.
  • Selling a Home for tax purposes and getting the Capital Gain Exclusion
    Time deployed counts for the five-year living at the same address rule, to help sell the home
    and avoid Capital Gains. You must live in your home 2 of 5 years to get Capital Gains
  • Overnight Travel Expenses for National Guard and Reserve members living more than
    100 miles from duty station.
    This deduction is on the front of the tax return, and no itemizing is needed. This allows you
    to write off travel, lodging, and meal expenses.
  • Deductions for Uniforms, Equipment and Laundry
    You can write off uniforms you buy, or any repairs made to them, as well as the cost of
    laundering the uniforms, plus any military equipment you buy for your use. There are special
    rules that allow military personnel to even deduct the cost for laundry and haircuts, if away
    from home for less than one year on temporary duty.
  • Some states offer little or no state tax on military members and spouse’s earnings.
    Arizona and many other states have no tax on military pay, and no tax on the spouse’s
    earnings either. You can claim residence in any state if you are on active duty in the military.
    For instance, you can be stationed in Ft. Huachuca, Arizona and still claim Nevada residency.
    This means you would not have to prepare an Arizona tax return, if you are active in the
    military. This would allow you to not pay state taxes to the State of Arizona even while you
    are stationed and living in Arizona. This also counts for vehicle registration tax.

  • Be sure to check on the laws of the state you are living in for your situation with Azmoneyguy or your
    tax professional.

  • Military allowances are tax-free.
    Some examples of allowances would be Clothing Allowance, Family Separation Allowance,
    Base Housing Allowance, Per Diem Allowance, and Temporary Duty Allowance. These are
    all monies that are given to you in addition to your regular payroll that is not subject to tax.
  • Forgiveness of tax upon Death
    Current year, previous year and unpaid taxes are forgiven and/or refunded when military
    members die, if they are active duty during either a terrorist event, in a combat zone, or in
    support of a military combat action.
  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
    If you get nontaxable combat pay, you may choose to include it to figure your EITC. You
    will make this choice only if it increases your credit. Even if you do, the combat pay stays
  • Signing Joint Returns
    Both spouses normally must sign a joint income tax return. If your spouse is absent due to
    certain military duty or conditions, you may be able to sign for your spouse, by attaching a
    copy of the military combat orders. In other cases when your spouse is absent, you may need
    an IRS power of attorney to file a joint return.
  • Moving Expenses
    Members of the military still get to take a deduction for the out-of-pocket costs of moving
    household goods and family members, to include pets, for any costs not already paid for or
    reimbursed by the military.

Call today, don’t delay! See how this affects you. We can be reached at 602-264-9331 and on all social media under azmoneyguy.

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Mr. Hockensmith has been a guest newscaster for national and local TV stations in Phoenix since 1995, broadcasting financial and tax topics to the general pubic. He has written tax and accounting articles for both national and local newspapers and professional journals. He has been a public speaker nationally and locally on tax, accounting, financial planning and economics since 1992. He was a Disaster Reservist at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for many years after his military service. He served as a Colonel with the US Army, retiring from military service after 36 years in 2008. Early in his accounting career, he was a Accountant and Consultant with Arthur Andersen CPA’s and Ernst & Young CPA’s.

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